Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mitsubishi EVO Custom Wheels

EVO X Custom Wheels

Been looking around and noted it's cool to modify your cars and I always wanted Need For Speed modified cars with crazy decals, vinyl and huge nitrogen tanks and wheels.

Here is my attempt at swapping Hot Wheels tyres with Tomica's. I guess the new set of wheels looks pretty neat on the Evo X.

This Hotwheels tyres actually belong to an ex-Volkswagen Touraeg V10.

Next to the 2 Evos is a HotWheel Pickup which I initially intended to swap tyres but after second thought, it doesn't look like it can fit into the Evo.

I will try later on using Acrylic Paint to customize some of the cars here. This gonna be interesting project and hope it turn out to be good.

Here is a closer look at the Tomica Evo X. Looks like theme here is

Closer shot at the cars. I need better cameras. Canon DSLR 400D will be good enough I think. Oh by the way my Civic Type R stocks had arrived!

The larger Evo in the middle is a Saico Evo VII. I like the rear of the car. A friend commented I like Evo. Yeah baby, that's true. Now if fortune were to smile at me, perhaps I can get the real thing well maybe the Mitsubitshi GT will do.

In Malaysia, there is an epic political battle between the ruling Government and Opposition which had just recently gained more Parliment seats. They may even take over as the ruling government under a charismatic leader, Anuar Ibrahim.

This ongoing battle made the Malaysia stock market ride like a roller coaster. Well the stock market players may have a chance to buy low and sell high if it comes to all out Do or Die battle between these 2 titans . Ah my GT may come true if I am lucky in the market.


EVO X The Real Thing

Mitsubishi GT - this is more down to earth. Maybe some decals will look great on this RED one.


Anonymous said...

george..sori k..i kat sini nak kongsi minat dengan u..i with my sons memang suka diecast car ni..tomy set ajer dah ade kat jusco and sogo dah naik harga...i suka tengok u convert rim evo x tu..mane dapat?

GeorgeToyCar said...

The rim ialah dari Realtoy kereta. Saya buat sendiri guna Bosch drill dan buka kereta Realtoy dan tukar rim!

Anonymous said...

where did you get the honda shop set?i like it